Thursday, November 4, 2010

Saddles Saddles Saddles

I hate saddles.....trying to fit one for my daughters pony is a nightmare!!!  Ok so she's only 14.2 , the pony that is, but...she is a wide gullet with not much wither and wide shoulders. Painful...very painful. We or should I say I have tried about 6 saddles so far with no luck. I have a wintec wide at the moment 16.5" that I'm trying and that i think it may be a fit. But im not a big fan of Wintec Wides, having one myself for my big clydiex. But I prefer a deep seeted saddle and as I dont have lots of dosh to spend, that has to do.

I may have to make a trip to Palmy or the coast to check out saddles. May not be a bad thing as i could have a spend yeahaaaa

Anyway, we have a pony club rally tomorrow and a show in a week or the race is on. I have told daughter that if she has to go bareback to the rally then so be it. I dont think she minds as long as she is on her horse. It certainly wont do her any harm to ride bareback, in fact i always feel it puts you in a good position and makes you ride properly. If you fall off!

I am also gutted that my new horse float is to small for my big clydie. I swear that boy is 17hh or not far off!!  I haven't officially measured him but he is was bigger that my other 16.2 and 16.1 horses!  Didnt quite want a horse that big ...but.... You dont actually notice he is tall when you riding, just when your trying to get on LOL  Thank god for logs, gates hills etc

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