Monday, March 29, 2010

Better by the day...

Well he is getting better by the day and i'm very pleased to say that. Today i gave him a treat and let him out into a small grassy area for a few hours.....he loved it...but was happy to go back into his stable at night.
He is still a bit of a pain lifting his feet up but what he's been thru I guess its hardly surprising. So i have to get hubby to help hold his foot up and he is too strong for me to hold..little buggar.

His sole is recovering well and no more abscesses yeha. Farrier still convinced it was some sort of poisoning but we shall never know..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

On the mend??

Well its been a while and a long hard slog but I think my boy may be finally recovering....I say this quietly so as not to tempt fate. But i took him out of his stable couple of days ago to see how he walked and he wasnt lame! That is a major breakthru after 3 months of lameness, painkillers and stabling.

The vet and farrier still have conflicting diagnosis but the farrier is convinced he was poisoned by something...I'm not sure who is right but hes turned a corner and is on the mend, hopefully with no lasting problems.

But if he turns out that he can only be a paddock mate, then so be it, if he becomes rideable again then I still want to hit the endurance riding or if thats to much I will just hack him. Whatever the outcome, he has a forever home here!

There was a time though, I decided he had had enough and was going to put him to sleep, but vets were happy with the xrays and didn't see a reason why he wouldnt pull thru. So i kept going and Im glad i did.

He is still not out of the water yet but a feel so much happy now he walked without being lame..