Hmm where do I start, by the look of things my last blog was talking about how winter is at an end and summer is about to start. Hmm well its back to Winter again. Where has summer gone!!!!
The Dogs
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Timmy..with flappy ears! |
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Such a good ball with fluff brains! |
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Odie looking handsome! |
Timmy the puppy really has no brains. I am beginning to think he has fluff in there! He is a sweet loving dog, but has no sense at all!
An example is that he hasn't really learnt that the fences we have here bite! So getting zapped, once, twice...well think he would learn not to take shorts cuts by now! Alas no, so today he got zapped, yelped and came racing over to me and hid between my legs...daft dog!
I also hate to say it.. but I ran him over with the quad bike last month.... I was mortified of course. The dogs normally run beside the bike, far enough that i can see them or they race ahead. This day, Timmy decided, for what ever reason I will never know, that it would be a good idea to zip right in front of the bike! I slammed on the brakes but then heard a sickening thud. I stopped and then realised, the bike and tyres were still on top of him...Arghh! So I had to move it off him. It didn't help that we were on the limestone track. But he got away with just scratches and bruises. So no damage done.
Honestly one lucky dog. I did feel awful though and watched him like a hawk for a few days...I had these visions of major internal damage etc etc. But hes has he learnt from this little Had a few near misses the other day.
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Bubba back in work again...all be it bareback! |
Well all wasn't good! As we floated the pony home the float was moving an awful lot more than usual. Looking in the back Bubba seemd ok but long story short, she was going down when we turned right. Her left hip seemed to be out and she couldnt weight bear properly. So we turned her out for a while.
A decision was made to borrow a lovely old girl called "Princess" She is an RDA (Riding for the Disabled ) pony but plenty of life left in her. So my daughter took her to the PC camp, did dressage with her and did Pony club. Both had a ball.
As for Bubba, well she went for a little ride up the road the other day and seemed ok,so we will slowly bring her back into work and see how she is.
New Addition
We have a new addition to our family...a little kitten called "Missy" . We found her abandoned on the side of our rural road and she was near deaths door. She was skin and bone, to be honest im surprised she actually survived. But survived she did and she is thriving. I didnt have any intentions of keeping her, well i had 3 cats already , one a 16yr old going senile old boy. But things never turn out the way you expect and she has settled in at home rather nicely.

She is cheeky minx but so loving.