Friday, February 11, 2011

Time will tell....

Well today we got my daughters pony seen by the bone cruncher man. The day didnt start off that well as i just couldnt get the float to connect properly with the towbar. I hitched up early so i wouldnt be rushed but as usual i ended up rushed....god i hate that!

Anyway my daughter really wanted to come and watch so she came too ..which was just as well as i really needed help with that blasted towbar! So off we went. I met up with some friends and we were having a yack at the yards when i heard this almighty "THWACK"! I just about jumped outta my skin!!  But it was Mr T with his hammers putting the pony in the next stall back into shape. I got such a fright. Then when the second hammer happened my eyes just about watered and i was only watching!!  But the horse didnt really seem to flinch.

Well then it was our ponys turn. I could see my daughter looking very nervous and worried, but she needed have been. It seems that our pony had 2 vertebra out. One near the front saddle area, which is why she tries to cow kick when doing up the girth...and I  just thought she was being a little tart. Then the big one which was a sacral vertebra or something. This is what is causing her short steps, reluctant to  move forward and her awkwardness in canter & jumping. Poor baby she had been so sore.  Well out came the little hammers and thwack, thwack. Then it was all over,  3 days turned out and then slowly back in the two days after that.

So all going well my daughter will be back in the saddle within a week back training for the Prince Philip games and jumping jumping jumpimg.....Hopefully it has this space...

Here's the amazing pony who we love so much....

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