So that was that and we were together till he was PTS at the grand age of 34! He got cancer of the mouth a very agreesive cancer so there was nothing we could do. Im not sure if you can have a horse as a soul mate but I think we were darn near it. We were very much tuned it, he followed me everywhere, he knew what i wanted and I him. Its been 5 years now since he has gone and i still miss the grumpy old sod... One day I will write a book of all our adventures, as there certainly was many happy and a few nail biting moments we had together.
The grey pony was "Alfie" a cheeky wee shetland who i trained to pull a cart. He had his moments and could be very stubborn but didnt have a bad bone in his body. I had the wee chap for about 15 years, got him as a year old colt, but sadly he struggled with cushings for many many years.
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