I hate playing God! Ok so everyone says your doing the best thing for them, best they dont suffer, they will be in rainbow bridge waiting , etc etc But to be honest it doesnt help one bit, its just crap. Ok so am i selfish, maybe but still, I dont like playing God.
I have done it too many times now and it does not get easier. It is getting to the stage maybe I shouldnt have animals. Why the comments of playing God? Well its time again.
I don't think it matters what type of animal it is you are putting down, but I do think the hardest are horses. I have been putting of this task, for want of a better word, for a while now. But as my wee pony had trouble walking and is getting skinny by the day, I guess its time I put my God shoes on. But what makes this double hard is that it wont be one pony but two.
My 2 georgeous wee ponies who i love to bits. Sophie has been with me for 11 years now but her battle with her hooves has been hard. Talking to the farrier, there isnt much he can do. Smurf was my daughters first pony and we have had this shy timid lovely girl for 6 years. Smurfs knee held out for so long but this particulary hard wet boggy winter didnt do her any favours. So I made the decision that they would go together, as they are inseparable anyway.
So I am feeling miserable....why cant they pass away in their sleep?? I do not like playing God and never will!
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