Friday, January 15, 2010

Mid Life Crisis?

Ok can someone tell me please... Why do I have winter covers on my horses? Why have a lit the fire in the lounge? Why is it bloooody freezing and raining and windy....and its January, middle of summer? Global warming my ass!! More like global freezing lol

So I am reflecting on things.....I cant believe how fast time goes by. I remember when I was in my 30's, I commented on same thing, only now in my 40's it seems to be going past much faster, god knows how fast it will go in my 50's? I think I may be having a little mid life crisis (or maybe its just this weather!) Is it too late to have a mid life crisis?

Anyway I realise in the last 10yrs, I have slowed down my activities and you know what...I think I'm getting bored and feeling old.

So I'd better get off my ass and get fit and start doing the things I love again. Ok I might not be able to mountain bike the pylon track or gallop around the paddock on my horse bareback and in a halter (wow did we really do that !) but I can still mountain bike and still do 2 day horse treks....And who says I'm to old for indoor soccer LOL

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